Secret party in a toilet @ Sziget

Secret party in a toilet @ Sziget

Success of music festivals usually depends on many things and a very “small” detail can ruin the whole experience, one example? Toilets! When you attend a festival, you just want to have a blast while celebrating the music and whether you have to worry about cuing to order a beer or to can bet something is wrong there.

Sziget festival has been up and running for more than 25 years and yes, experience is a degree so the guys in Budapest make sure you have where to take a leak no matter where you are! And you know what? There are so many portable toilets in the island that one of them hides the entrance to a secret rave with a dj and a dedicated crowd inside killing it. So, when you head the island of freedom next August don’t forget to look for this secret spot. 

One piece of advice, if you are going to look for it try not to be too drunk if you want to find the way back next day. Just saying!

Take a Stand campaign

Take a Stand campaign

Acoustic Mighty Oaks @ Volksbühne in Berlin

Acoustic Mighty Oaks @ Volksbühne in Berlin