Rest in Beats Taylor Hawkins

Rest in Beats Taylor Hawkins

Always behind countless drum cymbals, with a perennial smile and an infectious vital attitude, but above all with an enormous talent, Taylor Hawkins achieved the impossible by becoming an incomparable drummer in a band led by Dave Grohl. Yesterday, while some were waiting in front of the stage of the Colombian festival Estereo Picnic for Foo Fighters to perform, others on the other side of the world woke up to the sad news of the sudden death of Taylor Hawkins.

Dave Grohl is someone with an incredible career who has also had to overcome many difficult situations. He founded Foo Fighters the same year Kurt Cobain committed suicide, he has even broken his leg on stage and returned to continue the concert after returning from the hospital, and there have been many band members who have come and gone. But in all these years nothing and no one has been able to stop Dave Grohl from moving forward, with the sole exception of Taylor Hawkins. Foo Fighters stopped touring many years ago when he was in a coma for two weeks after a heroin overdose in London. On that occasion, it all turned out to be a bitter scare. Twenty years later, unfortunately, the Laguna Beach-based Texas musician has not been so lucky. As a self-confessed Queen fan, he liked to switch positions with Dave Grohl and pay tribute to them at every concert. We'll miss those moments.

With his death, as with many others before him, the music world has lost one of its greatest assets and no one knows what will happen to the Foo Fighters and the long tour they were immersed in. No doubt it will be difficult to replace someone Dave Grohl referred to like this in his recently published memoirs:

"Tearing through the room like an F5 tornado of hyperactive joy was Taylor Hawkins, my brother from another mother, my best friend, a man for whom I would take a bullet. Upon first meeting, our bond was immediate, and we grew closer with every day, every song, every note that we played together. I am not afraid to say that our chance meeting was kind of love at first sight, igniting a musical 'twin flame' that still burns to this day. Together, we have become an unstoppable duo, onstage and off, in pursuit of any and all adventure we can find. We are absolutely meant to be, and I am grateful that we found each other in this lifetime."

Rest in Beats Taylor Hawkins.

Q&A: Sophie Sutton

Q&A: Sophie Sutton

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