Ready for Reeperbahn festival?

Ready for Reeperbahn festival?

Once the Summer season is over, Reeperbahn festival has become an unavoidable event for the music industry. So if music means something to you, whether you go to concerts or festivals, as if you are part of the music industry, or even if you like art or audiovisual content, visiting Hamburg this week is a must.

Reeperbahn festival is one of the most important music events in the world, and every September for 14 years now brings together in Hamburg a multitude of international artists as well as representatives of the music business. Therefore, it is easy to imagine that the program offered by the festival is simply overwhelming. Four days of concerts where on this edition, the festival will host more than 400 acts including live shows by international artists, world premieres, competitions, awards, conferences, masterclasses, networking events, exhibitions and parties in all kinds of surprising locations throughout the entire city. As a recap, in 2018 more than 50,000 people visited the festival, thereof 5,500 professional guests from 56 countries.

According to the press release, Reeperbahn festival says that: “The world, and the world of music with it, is in a phase of transition. In Europe as well as in other parts of the world, the call for change is getting louder, people get a voice who had previously only been marginalized. A decisive stance seems more important than ever, for artists and their works as well as for event organizers and the industry's visionaries. This is accompanied by the question of what art is allowed to do, must be allowed to do - and what perhaps not. Overcoming the gender gap or a change in media use, increasing economic pressure or algorithmization of our listening habits - these are the topics that will characterize our perception of music in the future”.

Against this background, Reeperbahn festival this year with its hundreds of curated concerts, dozens of panels and discussion rounds, speeches and presentations, multimedia and multi-cultural contents is positioning itself not only as a progressive music event and European hot spot of the international music industry but also as a place of origin for social change.

Summarizing the festival program is simply impossible. It depends on the interests of each one of us. So whether you are interested in attending conferences or if you want to go to concerts, if you are a fan or part of the music industry, Reeperbahn offers a complete and detailed information on its website to organize and personalize each daily schedule.

And in case all this is not enough, what can I say about Hamburg? City of contrasts, modern and vibrant in which if besides, you are a nostalgic like me, to look back in time and walk through the -hard to describe- Reeperbahn area where 60 years ago a young Beatles spent some crazy months, it's priceless.

See you there!

The 14th edition of Reeperbahn festival will take place in Hamburg (Germany) between September 18th and 21st, 2019. Check out all the information to know more about the program or ticket sales here.

Cover photograph by Hinrich Carstensen

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