Church of Love @ Tomorrowland

Church of Love @ Tomorrowland

It is a fact that due to the fierce competition between music festivals, all of them try to be different by offering things that make them unique beyond the music lineup.

Tomorrowland festival, despite its enormous popularity, could not be any less and whoever has visited it in the Belgian town of Boom will have seen the most questionable of all non-music related fun, the church of love. A peculiar temple guarded by women dressed as nuns.

This modern and liberal installation only admits the entry of couples, without distinctions of gender or sexual condition so that they can free up the passion and imagination, only for 10 minutes though. Inside, a room, a bed, a bunch of condoms and a questionable level of sanitation.

What happens in Tomorrowland, stays in Tomorrowland.


R.I.P. Music Festivals

R.I.P. Music Festivals

Take a Stand campaign

Take a Stand campaign