Naked Run @ Roskilde

Naked Run @ Roskilde

Roskilde festival is one of a kind. Non-profit since 1972, it's not only one of the most iconic festivals in the world but a different and genuine one. Whoever has been there, knows it.

And it can also be tough. Barely 30 mins distance from Copenhagen, it can be sunny or it can be a nightmare of rain and mud. But no one there cares about that because Roskilde goers are there to live to the fullest the Orange Feeling (good friends, good vibes and good times) you just need to walk around that impressive camp site (Dream City turns into the 4th biggest city in Denmark during the festival days) to understand that.

Among its many and very crazy activities, it’s a festival tradition on the go since 1999, to celebrate every year the Naked Run. This particular race gather together thousands of people around a circuit through the Dream City to see a fierce competition of thirty men and women running fully naked.

Over the years, this race organized by Roskilde Radio Festival has become so popular (both the male and female winner receives a ticket for Roskilde’s next edition), that they are obliged to make qualifying events for the participants. Seeing is believing!

Find all information about the festival visiting Roskilde’s official website.

Cover photograph by Matias Altbach

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