This was 'Music & Pizza' with The Flavians

This was 'Music & Pizza' with The Flavians

Perhaps I am not the most objective person to judge the first ‘Music & Pizza’ event, because I am precisely the one who organized it, but what I experienced on Sunday September 12 was something certainly magical. And undoubtedly, The Flavians are the ones to blame for this after putting in an amazing performance with which they showed themselves not only as the great musicians they are, but also terrific storytellers and better human beings.

Music & Pizza’ is conceived as a concert experience because both the musicians and the people attending the event, have the opportunity and the time to not only listen to music but also spend some time talking. So, both the artists and the audience have the chance to connect in a relaxed atmosphere and during a sit-down pizza lunch. And that's exactly what happened on Sunday. The band went through all their songs in two sets separated by a short break in between, introducing the songs and telling stories about themselves and their career while the audience listened attentively and little by little was discovering the people behind the artists.

The location chosen for these events (Fabrik23) situated in an old factory from the beginning of the last century and with a vibrant history behind it, helped to create such an intimate atmosphere. And with emotions running high, after the concert it was time to sit around a long table, where each person could choose their own Neapolitan pizza (Standard), and share opinions for an hour and a half with the rest of the attendees and the members of the band during a lunch, which, to put it mildly, would be how short it felt!

There is no need to “sell” the music of The Flavians, one just have to listen to any of their songs, but if on Sunday there was someone who happened to be not very familiar with the band, without any doubt they left the event as absolute and unconditional fans. I personally only have good words for the band, but also for all the people who attended the event and helped create such a special atmosphere.

‘Music & Pizza’ is an event that takes place on Sunday, and starts at 1pm. An unusual schedule for a concert that on the other hand makes it an opportunity with which to live the experience of a concert in such an intimate way with friends, family or children. However, ‘Music & Pizza’ is an experience to be lived, not to be told. So do not miss the upcoming events scheduled for Sundays October 10 and November 14, with teepee and Varley respectively and experience it by yourself!

For more information and tickets for upcoming events, please visit:

Welcome to Berlin, Tempelhof Sounds!

Welcome to Berlin, Tempelhof Sounds!

Q&A: Varley

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