Learn to play "IknowhowIfeel" with Parcels

Learn to play "IknowhowIfeel" with Parcels

In the absence of live music, the social networks have been flooded with impromptu concerts, interviews, documentaries and an endless number of proposals that are personally starting to generate me anxiety.

Nevertheless, creative and different like everything they do, Parcels have surprised us with a different proposal that encourages us to learn to play their song "IknowhowIfeel" through five tutorials (one for each member and instrument) that they have been posting these last days on their social networks, where they are also sharing the versions of the fans.

Find below the five tutorials of these special and talented Australians based in Berlin from whom we expect a lot of their second album and that if the coronavirus does not prevent it, they will be playing again next summer at many festivals.

Lesson 1: Bass tutorial with Noah Hill

Lesson 2: Keyboard tutorial with Louie Swain

Lesson 3: Rhythm Keyboard tutorial with Patrick Hetherington

Lesson 4: Drums tutorial with Anatole “Toto” Serret

Lesson 5: Guitar tutorial with Jules Crommelin

IknowhowIfeel Lyric

I know how I feel right now
I know how I feel now

I know how I feel but
there's a place I need to go,
over the end of every road,
where I can feel it on my own.

I know how I feel but
where the race is all I know,
only the evening, let me go
where I can feel it on my own.

I know how you feel right now
I know how you feel now

Find videos, lyrics, tour dates, and a lot more information on Parcels official website.

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