Get ready for Sziget festival

Get ready for Sziget festival

It couldn't be in 2020. It couldn't be in 2021 either, but on August 10th 2022, in less than two months from now we will finally be back on the best island in the world to celebrate a new edition of the Sziget Festival in Budapest!

Since I went for the first time to Sziget some years ago, I haven´t missed an edition and I also haven't stopped recommending this festival to everyone around me because there is something magical about it. No matter what kind of music you like, you probably will always be able to find a festival with a better lineup, but that won’t matter. Some people also may find it too mainstream or too massive, but that won’t be important either. I could list many reasons that I have heard over the years, but the reality is that Sziget is a festival unlike any other, where it is frankly difficult not to end up living a vital experience that you will never forget.

With hundreds of artists and multiple stages, you'll always find something to suit you, and you'll have the opportunity to discover many other artists. Is perhaps Dua Lipa your guilty pleasure? At Sziget you will have the chance to dance to Levitating even if you obviously are the Arctic Monkeys fan we all know you are. Besides, there are over 100 nationalities represented at Sziget, with people coming from as far away as Brazil or New Zealand. And while the Music is important, it's the experiences we share with other people what make certain moments so special. 

And while music is an important part of Sziget, art is also a core element. There are multiple venues including a circus, theater, museum quarter and much more. Artists and performers come from all over the world to display their talents. Still not convinced to join next August? Then check out this aftermovie of the last edition.

Find more info about Sziget by visiting the official festival website. Get tickets here.

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