Roskilde's Circular Lab

Roskilde's Circular Lab

I’ve lost count on the number of articles I’ve published about the Roskilde festival, but truth to be told it’s one of my favorite festivals. And one big reason for that is the never ending program existing around the musical offer. I'm talking about art, architecture, sustainability, educational programs, activism and a large etcetera that makes this festival one to be studied. And precisely one more example of this is Roskilde’s ambition to help green entrepreneurs by creating a framework where they can challenge and test their solutions in a flexible and huge laboratory filled with people and possibilities whilst raising awareness of green behavior among festival participants and contributing to a significant reduction in festival waste. 

Photo by Tobias Nicolai / Roskilde festival (Press Roskilde festival)

In this way and in order to develop circular solutions for the future and lead the way towards a more sustainable behavior, Roskilde and The Tuborg Foundation have established The Circular Lab. With this project, the idea is to provide at least 200 young entrepreneurs with the opportunity to lead the way for a greener development and develop ambitious circular solutions of the future. And with circular solutions, for instance we are talking about designing long-lasting products or developing new models for rights of use of a product.

When the festival takes place, an estimated number of 130.000 people live for a week within the festival, making Roskilde one of the largest cities in Denmark. At the same time, the temporariness makes the festival community a unique platform to test new sustainable solutions with a potential to change the behavior in society. Therefore, the main platform to test the projects will be the Roskilde festival where entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to test their solutions on a young audience in a temporary environment while at the same time, gaining access to knowledge and professional networks, other companies and potential investors who can take their solutions forward and create a more solid business foundation.

Photo by SH Luftfoto / Stiig Hougesen (Press Roskilde festival)

The Tuborg Foundation has granted around €1 million to The Circular Lab so if you feel like this can be something for you, find more information about the Circular Lab on Roskilde’s website here.

Cover photograph by SH Luftfofto

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