10 Great music urban legends

10 Great music urban legends

Theories are never lacking to explain how one or another singer could have faked his own death in order to live an anonymous life. As proof of this, the theories about the deaths of Tupac or even Elvis. Is so big the admiration for many of the musical idols that over the years the most crazy rumors have spread. I confess that even I have grown up believing in some facts that today I know were simply rumors. Don’t miss below some of the funniest ones!

Paul is dead

There is not a fan of The Beatles out there who has not heard this story that in 2015 it was even denied by Wikileaks. The legend says that it was on a rainy night when Paul McCartney picked up a hitchhiker who after recognizing him pounced on the Beatle causing an accident that killed Paul. Legend has it that in 1966 with the Beatles in full popularity, Paul was replaced by a Canadian policeman named William Campbell.


Kurt Cobain didn't commit suicide

For many years Kurt Cobain's widow Courtney Love has been known as the Yoko Ono of Grunge. And the legend says that Kurt, fed up with his wife's infidelities, wanted a divorce. Something that Courtney, determined not to be left out of the inheritance of the leader of Nirvana, prevented by killing him and making it appear that it was a suicide. Despite what the autopsy later determined, many still believe in this legend today.


Lady Gaga and her masculine attributes

There are several rumors about her that over the years have circulated with greater or lesser force. But the one that spread the most was that Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite. Perhaps due to her at a times ambiguous appearance or her somewhat androgynous voice, the fact is that after her performance at the Glastonbury festival in 2009, a fan vehemently swore to have seen a penis come out of her outfit. The following alleged statements by the singer: “I have male and female genitalia, and I am not ashamed of it. Hermaphroditic people should feel comfortable with their bodies” were gasoline for the fire caused by the fan. In the end, it was her manager who had to make a statement on TV denying the rumor.


Michael Jackson and his fake nose

No one knows how many times Michael Jackson had his nose done. His obsession went so far that the aesthetic result of it became practically indescribable, something that undoubtedly fueled the legend that during a television performance his nose fell off. The reason? Due to the endless surgeries he had undergone, Michael ended up having to use a fake nose to cover the hole in his face. However, although it could become feasible, it is still another urban legend.


The Sandwich that killed The Mamas & The Papas singer

I have to admit that as a fan of The Mamas & The Papas, I grew up thinking that their singer Mama Cass Elliot died at 32 by suffocation after eating a sandwich. But the truth is that the singer died of a heart attack due to her overweight and her bad habits.


Kiss and Gene Simmons' cow tongue

Kiss, that quirky band famous for its oversize boots, its particular costumes and excess makeup has also been the protagonist of a thousand stories and rumors over the years. Although undoubtedly the urban legend that has spread the most is that its singer Gene Simmons owed the enormous size of his tongue (which he used to show while breaking with his teeth a capsule with fake blood) to a surgery after which he would have been grafted a cow's tongue. As the legend grew, Gene was just bragging about what he could do with it (yes, exactly that thing you're thinking about).


Avril Lavigne and her replacement

As it happens with Paul McCartney, not many years ago the rumor spread that Avril Lavigne had committed suicide shortly after becoming famous in the early 2000s after which she would have been replaced by an actress of great resemblance. One more time it may sound crazy but Avril herself had to publicly deny the rumor on several occasions.


Marilyn Manson and his rib surgery

The artist today cornered by allegations of abuse by several women has nevertheless been the protagonist of famous rumors throughout his career. But as he himself has been in charge of denying, the reality is that the singer was never that endearing child of the popular series of 80s and 90s "The wonder years" and he never got to remove his ribs in order to be able to give himself blowjobs.


Hotel California and its satanic meaning

The legend says that Anton Lavey, creator of the Church of Satan, commissioned a song with which to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the church in the mid 70s. The band responsible for such a thing was none other than The Eagles and the song of course ‘Hotel California’ that according to rumorology hides in its lyrics a black mass, being the Hotel California an allegory of hell itself. Although the reality is that the song simply reflects the decadence of the city of Los Angeles consumed by drugs.


Phil Collins and the drowned man

In this case the legend says that one day Phil Collins saw a man drowning in a lake while another man near him looked at him without offering help. But the legend goes even further and is that supposedly Phil came to discover the identity of the man who let the other die, and he even invited him to one of his concerts during which he sang 'In the air tonight' looking at him in the eyes. As a curiosity, Eminem included this story in his song ‘Stan’ (“You know the song by Phil Collins, 'In the Air of the Night'. About that guy who could have saved that other guy from drowning. But didn't , then Phil saw it all, then at a show he found him? ”).

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